The question is…. do you speak Millennial? You are now facing the same challenges Mork faced when trying to translate the English vocabulary and nuances to Orson back on Ork . (for those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about…then you probably already speak Orkan)
With the rapid evolution of emoji’s, acronyms, #’s, yolo slang and abbreviations, it’s impossible to keep up. Good news is you don’t have to know it all. What is important is having a staff that does! Despite the digital evolution, research still shows that Millennials prefer to shop in a brick and mortar store. That means that your staff is the key. And I bet more than a few of them are Millennials themselves. This generation is looking for great customer service that’s current and relevant to them…and more importantly expert sales knowledge.
That’s a lingo they understand….knowledge. There’s a reason the Trader Joe’s of the world are gathering Millennials like they’re going out of style. And it’s not all about products either. They have capitalized on their staff and their ability to reach Millennials with a relevant voice. Their staff is “educated” on products and topics and they’re trained to provide a more personalized experience rather than just pointing out products on aisles. They have personality, are funny and most importantly approachable….all while being smart on products. That may not sound like a “lingo” but to a Millennial it really is. (Don’t forget this is the instant gratification, instant knowledge generation) Speaking their language is an attitude…it’s really that simple.
Does your staff understand what Gluten free even is (fadey or not), GMO’s, organic vs natural, free range, BPA free. Do they know what fruits and veggies are the best anti-oxidants or what products are locally sourced? What are the benefits of coconut oil? Millennials like to know they have options folks. But to build loyalty and grow your Millennial customer base they need to know you care enough to know your products. So we are clear here, we’re not talking about changing your product lines, or re-inventing the wheel…we’re talking about educating your staff on the products you do carry.
We all have these basic items on our shelves already, and most of us are already growing some of these trendier product lines as well. It’s all about making that shopping experience a good one and presenting your store as current and hip. Let your shoppers know you’re not just there stocking products on the shelf. Let them see your hip side, throw in a bit of their lingo in your marketing… a little will go a long way.
I read recently that Smart + Funny is the new rock ‘n' roll. That really kind of sums it up.
Blue Skies Everyone
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