Thursday, December 3, 2015

Tis the Season …..Millennial Style

Posted By: LeeAnn Taylor

It’s really hard for me to think about anything other than Christmas music right now since that’s an integral part of my “real” job….(the one that pays the bills). I prepare for the season like a veteran quarterback trains for the Super bowl and right now I’m sitting on 3rd and goal and feeling pretty darn good about it. Grocers have Christmas music…check. Now my millennial team gets to have some real fun and be creative with the seasonal audio advertising , which is where they really shine, and have some fun in the recording studio.

What do I do? As our illustrious leader likes to say “we serve independent grocers with in-store audio advertising and music” And we’re good at it! Our team of Millennials have their fingers on the pulse of what other millennials respond to, and more importantly how to reach them at the POP. For an independent grocer that’s key. Like every other avenue of advertising and marketing in-store audio has had to adjust to the beat of a completely new drummer to stay relevant. (which is what initially got my crazy brain dissecting Millennials in the first place). It’s not like I had nothing better to do. It became a necessity to do my job well and everyone knows if I’m going to do something… I’m gonna do it full out.

Transitioning can be a tricky business though folks. Why? First off you have your Baby Boomers, like little ole me, who are very much still viable consumers. You still need to meet my needs while I’m in your store…or I’ll get ticked off. I like the old fashion way you’ve always branded your store. Tell me about your low prices and savings and I’m yours! Now the Millennials, they want to hear a completely different kind of branding from you. In addition to a good price point they want to know about your produce and where it’s coming from, do you carry an organic line, where’s your pre-pared foods section, do you have sustainable practices, are there any local products on the shelves? That’s branding Millennial style. 

So it’s no longer enough to just say that you have an audio program. You need to tailor and custom build a relevant audio package that supports Boomers and Millennials alike, but most importantly speaks to your brand, carries your very specific message and philosophies, and engages the community that supports you. Through your ceiling speakers you have a medium that carries a clear voice to EVERY customer that graces your doors. Can you say that about a sign? Or a floor graphic or even a TV monitor? No you can’t. 

So create a radio program that makes you unique and stands out….and most importantly keep it fresh guys. Stale =boring=lost revenue. And if you’re anything like me you hate to lose….especially when it’s your mind. But then again, that would require me to have one to start with, and we all know my kids robbed me of that a long time ago.

Blue Skies Everyone!

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