Friday, June 16, 2017

Grocery Shopping Isn’t Just For Girls Any Longer….What Is This World Coming Too?

Posted By: LeeAnn Taylor

Let's revisit one of my favorites...

Long gone are the days that I get to just walk down the grocery aisle giving that silent, “I know what you’re going through” nod to all the other women pushing their carts around like me. Now I’ve had to trade in my sweat pants for something more publicly acceptable, and worst yet, put on make-up! Why you ask? There are men there!! Real men ladies…. And not just a few straggling behind women with blank stares on their faces either.  Nothing this horrific would have happened in my day I tell you. Women shopped and the kids unloaded the car…real simple. (Maybe I didn’t really think the whole Helen Reddy, I am Women Hear Me Roar, era thingy through clearly enough before I joined the band wagon back in the 70’s. I guess I have no one to blame but myself.)

Truth be told, these men crowding the aisles have very little to do with equality and much more to do with shifting tides of the millennial family dynamics. Look around…there are a lot of fairly young guys in the store these days, unmarried young guys at that. I’ve read lots of the research and contributing factors to the delays in getting married, all fairly valid, but the bottom line is only 30% of 20 to 30 year-olds were married, compared to the 60’s when that number peaked at 77%. So, for these guys they are forging the “friends” are my family dynamic.  

Now we have the couples with kids running around. Of that group 70% of both parents hold down full time jobs. So it stands to reason that mom isn’t home eating Bon Bon's and shopping any longer…(Yes, I’m very sarcastic by nature) Millennial dads are unique in that they really don’t play by the old school rules of gender roles. 

Fatherhood looks a little different to them. They spend more time with their kids and are taking over a huge chunk of the household shopping….and boy can they spend. (I’ll get more into that in a bit) Men around the country have taken the shopping cart by the horns and wrestled it to the ground….even identifying themselves as the head shopper in charge. Whether it’s a shared responsibility or not, we can’t ignore the fact that the percentage of male shoppers have doubled. Retail Food Marketing Trends in the U.S.:Technology, Mobile, and Social Media.

And boy do they shop differently than women! They definitely shop more frequently than their counterparts…..and they spend more every trip! Those buggies may not be as full, but, they are still spending more….Retailers everywhere celebrate, men are lowering the item count and raising the average cost per item. It’s a retailers dream. And best yet, millennial men average 4 or more trips a week folks. (I’d be caught dead first…bad choice of words at my age)

So what is the take away? Grocery retailers have a huge opportunity to market to men these days. Young unmarried male Millennials wandering the aisles all chipper and smiles, not afraid to spend a little more money and Millennial dads  who apparently put more value on quality than they do finding a good deal. So the next time you’re building that endcap, or setting a new display, keep the men in mind…they are worth the investment.

Blue Skies Everyone!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Food For Thought.....

Posted By: LeeAnn Taylor

As I watched the first Presidential debate last night I couldn’t help but think about the similarities in how millennials are shopping for a presidential candidate, and how they shop for food…The irony is that there is very little difference between the two. I was hard pressed to find more than a smattering of millennials who sat through the debate……
Instead….They watch 28 second short sound bites….They’re swayed by peer….and visiting websites….and texting and re-texting and posting and re-posting and tweeting and re-tweeting...looking for a successful recipe without having to invest too much time.
Ironically, kind of a pre-packaged, portable organic answer to both.
Isn’t that how they shop in your grocery store? Aren’t those the very same methods I have been suggesting retailers implement to reach and garner millennials as a customer base? We’re trying to build loyalty, and so are the candidates. Tell millennials what you have and where to find it, let them know the benefits, make it organic as possible and easy to carry, and they’re sold. Sounds like grocery shopping to me!
I’m certainly not promoting one candidate over another…politics and food…just sounds like indigestion to me. What I am saying is these candidates have figured out that to build loyalty in millennials they have to reach them through the methods they prefer, and speak to them in a way that they understand….just like the omni-channel approaches we are all now entertaining. Just a little food for though.

Blue Skies Everyone

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Extreme Couponing On Steroids…..No Scissors Required

Posted By: LeeAnn Taylor

I can still remember the days when my scissors main purpose in life was clipping out those Sunday and Wednesday newspaper coupons. I’d organize them, plan around them and cherish the abundance of savings I just knew I was capitalizing upon. But my scissors are retired now.
I, like so many, have gone the way of digital coupons. Why not, I find them everywhere…and they’re convenient. My favorite is the in-store kiosk coupons. Those little kiosk machines are fantastic. Not only do I get relevant coupons, I get recipes and weekly flyers all in one stop. Now, I still go on line and check the couponing websites like but more and more kiosks are starting to integrate with right at the point of purchase, so those days may be numbered as well. Kiosks also avail the opportunity and means of producing store specific couponing to the independent retailer without it breaking the bank. Everyone’s heard me preach about the need to drive millennial sales to center store…well here is another way to do it.
Take my daughter in law Farin….please… (just kidding, I love her)…she’s a recipe girl. If she doesn’t have a recipe though, it doesn’t get made. Believe me I’ve tried to show her how to throw things together, but it’s not in the genes. The ironic thing is “I’m” the exception to the rule here. Research shows that Millennials are more apt to search for, and use recipes more than any other generation. I hate to sound redundant but, retailers need to take advantage of the opportunity and provide recipes to the mass quantity of foodie Millennials looking for the next great bite of food. Kiosks are just another way of doing just that. Combine recipes with coupons, coupons that have redemption rates reaching up to 60%, and you can target your best customers and make the Millennials shoppers of today your customer base of tomorrow.
Recently in SN I read that Millennials are the leading adapters of digital coupons and are doing so aggressively. On the average they are using 5.7 different methods to discover said coupons! That’s a lot people. No surprise but they also expect these brands to deliver relevant content beyond the coupons. SN reported that 44% want retailers to give them recipes along with coupons. Better yet, 53% desire to have retailers engage and deliver content based on where they are in the store. Sound familiar? It should…( I think it’s time we rerun an old blog of mineGeez You’re Just Shopping…Does It Always Have To Be An Experience)
So yes, my scissors may be retired…..but couponing is alive and well in the good ole’ US of A. On line coupons, website coupons, mobile coupons, kiosk coupons…Millennials are using them all. The more ways you can digitally connect with each individual Millennial, the better your chance of making them a loyal and core base customer. And who doesn’t want to grow their customer base….please, raise your hand?
Blue Skies Everyone!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Is That Another New Organic Product?

Posted By: LeeAnn Taylor

I can still remember when we all thought the “natural” and “organic” movement was just another passing phase. How wrong we were. If anything these Millennials are bound and determined to make believers out of most of us skeptics from years past. Leading the charge in my family is Rachel, who so happens to be the mother of my latest beautiful grandchild Amelia Rose (As a grandmother you never pass up the opportunity to boast about the grandkids… so pics will follow!).
My point being that Millennials who are parents make up the largest group of organic buyers, according to the latest Organic Trade Association research.  Not surprising 52% of parents who buy organics are between the ages of 18-34. This is obviously not a phase…and their reasoning to buy organic and natural varies.  Leading the charge is the well being of their children and the benefits of organic products. Rachel puts great value in knowing  “where” and “how” their food is grown and sourced. Next in line, the sustainability of our environment. 
As a retailer, how can we ignore these numbers?  I get that shelf space is a commodity; I understand that for every new product we lose a long suffering staple product or have to downsize facings. But can we afford to NOT do it and risk missing out on a whole generation of shoppers? This is differently a strategic question.
As a general rule independent retailers have a done a pretty good job of incorporating organics and natural products into their perimeter store departments this year. And the numbers are just starting to show. Prepared and portable foods have had a good showing as well. Remember this is a generation who eat on the fly and meals are typically unplanned.  So when they do want to actually play Betty Crocker (sorry Rachel) they need some help. Recent reports show an increase in meat and poultry shoppers with Millennials. Organic, natural and grass fed meats have a lot to do with that. In fact, two-thirds come home with meals they hadn’t planned on making. So if decisions are being made while they’re walking the aisles of your store you have a lot more influence over their choices than you realize. Recipes, recipes, recipes….I hate to sound like a broken record but recipes can make or break you. Think about this…recipes will drive Millennials to center store products. Are you ready for them? Do you offer organic spices to go with that piece of meat? Are organic dairy items gracing you’re shelves?  Can I get a hallelujah for a can of organic stewed tomatoes! (Believe me, a Millennial couldn’t stew a fresh tomato to save their lives)
Even as a proud Boomer, I too am faced with having to adapt my shopping purchases. These millennials are no joke on what goes into their kid’s mouths. As a card carrying #grandmillennial  my fridge had better be stocked with the appropriate foods when my grandchildren grace my threshold. Organic juices √, Fresh chemical fresh fruit √√, natural lunch meat √, whole wheat breads √, natural juice popsicles√√√, twisters and skittles√……Did I just say that out loud? Great, now I’m in trouble….gotta run home now and hide that crap fast before you know who shows up and busts me.

Blue Skies Everyone!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Reach Millennials While You Still Have The Chance….They Are Up For Bid

Don’t forget your statistics.  Last year I posted a blog that really was an eye-opener…the numbers are impressive, relevant, and necessary to be aware of.  Take some time to peruse the way Millennials are shopping.  It will assist you in reaching the Millennials that are up for bid!

Posted By: LeeAnn Taylor

“Going once… going twice… Sold to the highest bidder. Please pay the cashier for your block of Millennial consumers.” Did you get any? Did you wait too late to start engaging them? Or did you invest the time building quality and engaging relationships while they were still young and being influenced? So let’s jump back in the DeLorean with Doc Brown and Marty Mc Fly and return to 2015 and see just what got you to where you are today. 

Luckily for you there’s still time… and the time to strike is now.

For months now I have been pontificating on Millennials and what makes these beings tick. More precisely….knowing how to use this new-found information to engage and market them. So while statistics may be boring and stuffy I believe they have a real significance in deciding whether you get on board now or possibly miss the boat…or DeLorean rather. The Millennial’s spending power continues to increase and with it a huge influence on older generation’s purchases…and I can personally attest to that. So if I’m right here, that would make them your “prime target” market. Engagement has always been the key to building brand loyalty and with Millennials it’s imperative! Hopefully some of these statistics and “fun facts” will make your rethink your strategies and connect with the generation that holds tomorrow, literally in their hands.

Millennials are influencing purchasing decisions to the whooping tune of over a trillion dollars annually, with 11.9 million ages 18-30 currently living in households with annual incomes exceeding $100,000. Millennials now make up 25% of the US population and by 2020 will be 48% strong.

82% of Millennials still prefer brick and mortar stores. (yeah)

56% are willing to switch brands in favor of a deal.
80% of Millennials want brands to entertain them.
42% consider private label brands equal in quality to national brands and will purchase.
45% of Americans now search out organic options and 53% of those are Millennials.
50% of Millennials are more likely to buy a brand they know supports a specific cause.
37% of Millennials purchase a product that supports a cause, even if it means paying more.
52% of Millennials use their mobile devices on social media to note they like a brand.
53% of Millennial Households have children.
41% of men report they are the primary shopper in their household now.
65% of all Millennial men report they hit the grocery store at least 2x a week.
70% of Millennials will engage in rating a product, brand or service, good or bad.
16% of Millennial households Sriracha is the new Ketchup…just seeing if I had lost you, but a true fact just the same!
43% of Millennials check for coupons or promotions on their smartphones while in your store.
59% of Millennials purchase decisions are influenced by friends. 
50% of Millennials trust retailer websites.
25% of meals consumed by younger Millennials include items they bought the same day.
37% of Millennials “might” make a list before going to the store.
60% of Millennials rate a stores selection and variety in the deli as the key criteria. 

Millennial male shopper’s basket averages $95.89 vs. a female basket averaging $91.69 even though the female basket has more items. (go men!)

Millennial Male shoppers are less price sensitive than their counterparts and buy healthier foods.
Millennials are more likely to build shopping trips around a particular recipe.
Millennials are 44% more likely to trust experts (who just so happen to be strangers).
Millennials also look for exotic foods 42%, food samplings 56%, family-friendly stores 41% and on-line creative ideas and recipes 59%.
And last but not least…..
Millennials “like” to be asked at the register to give to a charity and will donate more often than any other generation.

And yeah, that was a lot. I know. But it’s important to look at it all together to get a clearer view of “who” these Millennials are now and who they are growing up to be. Numbers will change, time will move on, but the main philosophy, technical mindset, culture and desires of this generation will move forward. I just want so badly for my independent retailers to stay relevant and not miss the opportunity to garner the loyalty of Millennials. Now, before more of the Big Box and Chain Stores shrink back down in size because they too have seen the light and know that a personalized shopping experience, engagement, perimeter store departments and specialty items pulls more Millennials than anything. This is YOUR chance, so let’s take it. 

And I, the self-appointed Grand Millennial, am glad to be here witnessing the transformation as this gangly-limbed generation of Millennials forge into the outer ream of existence……..(yeah, that might have been just a little melodramatic).

Blue Skies Everyone

Statistics compliments of:

FMI Research
Progressive Grocer
The Boston Consulting Group
The Good Scout Group
Millennial Marketing

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Can My Boomer Mindset Make The Right Marketing Decisions To Attract Millennials...

Don’t forget how to market to the Millennials that are shopping in your store!  Marketing is the key to grabbing their attention…and they’re purchasing power.  Revisit my blog from earlier this year, and remember to keep up with your Millennial Marketing Decisions!

Posted By: LeeAnn Taylor

Sure you can! Us old dogs learn new tricks all the time. Replace TV with Facebook, radio with text blasts and newspaper with email marketing…you’re half way there. This little roadmap I’ve been creating this month really does have a destination.

Think about it? You can’t swing a cat by the tail these days without hitting a Millennial. They are EVERYWHERE. So let’s embrace them and not fear them. I’m sure our parents felt some of the same reservations as they watched us changing the course of history with our unconventional dancing and obnoxious music. How about the rebirth of the feminist movement and the new-fangled credit card? (which was surely going to be the death of us all) All these I’m sure were terrifying to our parents. They survived us… and we will survive Millennials.

There really are 3 keys to Millennial to Marketing.  Be Relevant, Be Social, Be Charitable.  How you choose to embrace these 3 concepts will determine your future success. Look at them as an opportunity you can take action on. Millennials can grow your business in a way that no others can, so take the opportunity while it exists. Make a decision today to make one change a month in how you market and operate as a grocer. Small baby steps… There’s no need to eat the whole elephant at once.

Let the Millennials you probably already employ offer up new avenues and engagement techniques that might appeal to their peers. Change things up….All around you is a cache of information and help to advise you along the way. I find that most of the Millennials I meet are pretty darn dynamic in their thinking, and if nothing else inspiring. So be inspired…