Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Extreme Couponing On Steroids…..No Scissors Required

Posted By: LeeAnn Taylor

I can still remember the days when my scissors main purpose in life was clipping out those Sunday and Wednesday newspaper coupons. I’d organize them, plan around them and cherish the abundance of savings I just knew I was capitalizing upon. But my scissors are retired now.
I, like so many, have gone the way of digital coupons. Why not, I find them everywhere…and they’re convenient. My favorite is the in-store kiosk coupons. Those little kiosk machines are fantastic. Not only do I get relevant coupons, I get recipes and weekly flyers all in one stop. Now, I still go on line and check the couponing websites like but more and more kiosks are starting to integrate with right at the point of purchase, so those days may be numbered as well. Kiosks also avail the opportunity and means of producing store specific couponing to the independent retailer without it breaking the bank. Everyone’s heard me preach about the need to drive millennial sales to center store…well here is another way to do it.
Take my daughter in law Farin….please… (just kidding, I love her)…she’s a recipe girl. If she doesn’t have a recipe though, it doesn’t get made. Believe me I’ve tried to show her how to throw things together, but it’s not in the genes. The ironic thing is “I’m” the exception to the rule here. Research shows that Millennials are more apt to search for, and use recipes more than any other generation. I hate to sound redundant but, retailers need to take advantage of the opportunity and provide recipes to the mass quantity of foodie Millennials looking for the next great bite of food. Kiosks are just another way of doing just that. Combine recipes with coupons, coupons that have redemption rates reaching up to 60%, and you can target your best customers and make the Millennials shoppers of today your customer base of tomorrow.
Recently in SN I read that Millennials are the leading adapters of digital coupons and are doing so aggressively. On the average they are using 5.7 different methods to discover said coupons! That’s a lot people. No surprise but they also expect these brands to deliver relevant content beyond the coupons. SN reported that 44% want retailers to give them recipes along with coupons. Better yet, 53% desire to have retailers engage and deliver content based on where they are in the store. Sound familiar? It should…( I think it’s time we rerun an old blog of mineGeez You’re Just Shopping…Does It Always Have To Be An Experience)
So yes, my scissors may be retired…..but couponing is alive and well in the good ole’ US of A. On line coupons, website coupons, mobile coupons, kiosk coupons…Millennials are using them all. The more ways you can digitally connect with each individual Millennial, the better your chance of making them a loyal and core base customer. And who doesn’t want to grow their customer base….please, raise your hand?
Blue Skies Everyone!

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