Tuesday, August 11, 2015

You Want A Healthy Kids Breakfast? Where Did This Come From?

Posted By: LeeAnn Taylor

You want to see my iPhone? Why? Your 9 years old…you want to show me a healthy recipe? What do you know about healthy foods… and what site are you going to? Let me see this!…..Just another exciting weekend in the life of this Grand Millennial. 

Alex is my first born grandchild… the only male (poor thing), lives for Hot Wheels and talks like he’s 34. I love him to death. Probably because he challenges my intellect….which is not so hard to do these days. He really threw me for a loop last weekend though. The typical “what would you like to eat?” question brought about one of the most surprising conversations ever and one that resulted in a trip to the grocery store for provisions. He had seen on the Disney channel a site called Mickey Check which has healthy recipes for kids to make…. making them feel good about their choices. Not surprising Alex had already visited the site and picked out a waffle he said he REALLY wanted to make…one with a big yellow checkmark denoting the healthy content. Ricotta cheese, apples, cinnamon, oat and whole wheat flour, flaxseed, egg whites, blueberries and strawberries? It looked delicious!... What had this clone done with my grandson? I ran with it, more out of curiosity and complete shock…But it really got me thinking about the marketing of parents and how targeted marketing was being used so successfully through Alex to his Millennial parents (and grand millennials) who held the purse strings. Not a new concept but a brilliant application with a millennial vibe.

Once again my mind starts churning on how to incorporate a kid friendly recipe program into grocery stores at the point of purchase were parents could be influenced…and delighted to see their young ones wanting to try healthy foods. What parent in their right mind is going to say “Nope…no healthy foods for you mister.” 

A kid friendly recipe kiosk is great but not always affordable for smaller grocers. Maybe something that gets the kids attention while shopping with mom and dad would hold the biggest advantage I think. A weekly poster board with pictures of kid healthy meals and a recipe card…How about incorporating your web site where they could send pictures of their favorite meals to as well? Every kid over 3 knows how to read URL’s these days. Or, how about an endcap display with most of those ingredients and an eye catching recipe card with the child's pics on it. Something the kids (dragging their parents along) know would be there week after week…Something that engages the kids…ergo the parents. And then you got em’! Just like I got got.


 Blue Skies Everyone!

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