Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What's Wrong With My Branding?.....It’s Always Worked Before

Posted by: LeeAnn Taylor

Branding is a tricky thing. Who can figure which end is up these days?... It’s a real head scratcher. For years you’ve spent time and invested money in carrying a message that you thought spoke to your core customer. Now you find out that your customer demographic is in the process of changing and these new Millennials don’t necessarily relate to your voice. (or you to them for that matter) And so the saga begins.

Well... I can guarantee my kids know who is speaking their language. It’s the Pepsi’s and POWERADE’s and the General Mills of the industry. Want to get a glimpse into the millennial marketing they are so vested in? Do it. Type in or, I dare you, but be prepared. It’s nothing like you would have thought. It’s an assault to “my” senses but my kids relate! Total interaction on steroids, and gamification to the hilt. It’s the big league. These big boys have spent millions learning how to tap into this market… to my way of thinking why not take advantage of the millions they’ve spent and learn from their investment? IT’s FREE. So…..(Big drum roll please) here’s what they’ve learned:

Let them (the Millennials) help you build your brand.

WHAT!?! Give them the keys to the castle? You’re kidding right? 
Yes, to be honest…that’s exactly what I’m saying. 

Millions spent and that’s the big takeaway…. Let the Millennials help you build your brand. Get them involved, let them express themselves, start a dialogue, give them a platform to help carry your branding out into their world, they can be your brand ambassadors...they need to be part of the process. And it needs to be productive.

Starting with an on-line game is always a safe bet. Be creative, it’s the engagement that really matters. Ask them to Facebook, Tweet or Instagram their favorite new product. Whoever receives the most “likes” etc. receives that product. Or maybe they can post pics of their favorite meal and so on. You would be surprised just how quickly they “share” that post with friends and family and voila…you have a conversation going. Now gather their input, listen to them…get to know them, have a productive dialogue and open up the channel of communication. Give them a reason to take action for your brand. Ask for reviews on products, service, added value programs, samplings...Engage, engage, and keep engaging. Its work, I’m not going to lie, but it’s essential. And I’m not saying you have to change your brand...I’m saying it’s time to tweak how and what parts of your branding to carry to the next generation of shoppers. What is your voice talking about? Social awareness, engagement, employee recognition, sustainability, community, personalized customer service, going the extra mile, added value programs, games, entertainment, music...all these things count to my Millennials in choosing a grocer. Promote your smallness as a great thing….a more personalized experience. Bottom line…and MOST important… follow through on your promises and commitments to service and be true and transparent. Make your product, their store experience a great one. Find your niche and brand to it.  My Millennials are looking for great products and brands to share about….give them something to share and talk about! What better way then to have them vested in your branding as loyal customers? Let their fingers do the talking….


Blue Skies Everyone

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